If you travel to areas where infectious diseases occur which normally do not or hardly appear in western Europe you might be at medical risk. Often medical assistance is also less accessible than we are used to. That is why there is a vaccination advice for various countries outside Europe.
Travel Doctor
General Practice Panacea refers to Travel Doctor for travel advise and - vaccinations. Travel Doctor is a national travel vaccination organization of specialized and certified general practitioners and nurses.
The location of Travel Doctor for the Hilversum region is Huisartsenpraktijk Michiel Boersma (general practice), which is located in Gezondheidscentrum Casa Cura (health center), Neuweg 27 B, 1211 LV in Hilversum.
If you want to make an appointment, it is best to do this via the website traveldoctor.nl. If you submit your details there, you will be contacted as soon as possible.